Very beautiful article Kemi, thank you for sharing your story. Few things are as valuable as two committed parents and a primary focus on the family. And your tone of forgiveness and just honest insight is so refreshing. Much love!

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This is such a great article. I really enjoy reading your work and insights.

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Jul 27Liked by Journal of Free Black Moms

Thank you, Kemi, for telling your story. What struck me most was the fact that your childhood was rich in many ways, and that you did not hold your father's abandonment against him. I don't know why he felt that leaving you and your mother was the right thing to do, but I think it's beautiful that you forgave him and ended up having a good relationship with him. And it's even more beautiful that you found faith.

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Jul 27Liked by Journal of Free Black Moms

Great story. You had a very interesting childhood. I never considered having a father and mother raising me to be a privilege. In most homes it is the norm. Those without a two parent household I consider to be at a disadvantage, and I lived in the NY City projects while I was young. Growing up in the University setting must have been great.

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Jul 27Liked by Journal of Free Black Moms

Wonderful story

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Jul 27Liked by Journal of Free Black Moms

A beautiful story. Your children are blessed to have such a wise and believing mother.

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Jul 27Liked by Journal of Free Black Moms

Thank you for sharing. Very much enjoyed your perspectives.

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